History Creators of the Original Luton Van

Luton Van, Commercial Vehicle Truck Van Lorry

The Luton van, which emerged as a design on the drawing boards of the famous British truck producer Bedford Vehicles in the late quarter of the 21st century, is already one of the most powerful transport and assets removal vehicles yet. Nowadays, the vehicle widely known as a Luton van originally came in the form of a Bedford built truck chassis in nineteen thirty-three, usually known as a Bedford Two-ton van.

The original 1930s Luton van

Bedford Vehicles built and assembled AC and LQ truck models in the years from nineteen twenty-nine to nineteen thirty-three. At their Luton factory, in Bedfordshire, England, this took place. The truck was soon named 'Chevrolet' by Bedford. However it was formally planned to remove the 'Chevrolet' from the name of the new car by the time the first ACs and LQs rolled off the assembly line in nineteen-thirty-one.

  • The Bedford AC - Most of the AC model units were manufactured as a light truck with a volume of 12 cents (hundredweight referred to 'cwt' is a former empire weight and mass measurement unit used in those years in the UK and the US).

  • The Bedford LQ - This design found much more use and was manufactured and fitted for a range of uses, including ambulance, lorry, bus and of course, a freight truck, thus and is now the popular Luton van.

Due to the fact that 'Chevrolet' was removed again from list of Bedford's new AC and LQ automobiles in Luton, with the exception of some modifications to the front bumper, they were pretty much indistinguishable from their equivalents of American origin. The Bedford LQ truck was therefore, given access in various wheelbase sizes, offering a different sized vehicle. WHG was assigned the smart vehicle, while WLG was called the bigger one. Together with the new variety of trucks manufactured in Luton, England, the American Bedford Chevrolets were manufactured until the end of 1931. Bedford produced and launched a bus variant of the heir LQ truck chassis at the end of nineteen and thirty one which was called WHB or WLB respectively.